fire in their hearts.
I was weary of holding back, and I could not...
Jeremiah 20:9
General Epistles
Bible Gleanings
Prison Epistles
Geography & Archeaology
Preacher's Work: Going Forward
will resume March 24, 2025
North Carolina School of Biblical Studies (NCSBS) is a non-profit school that provides two years of Biblical education followed by a two-year associate minister internship. Classes will emphasize the study of the biblical text, apologetics, homiletics, and other courses that are directly related to the work of the preacher and his family.
During the final two years of study, the student will work in an associate minister position with a congregation and preacher who will help the new preacher “get his feet wet” in the work of evangelistic preaching and light a fire for souls that we pray will never go out (Jer. 20:9).
NCSBS is a part of the work of the Warners Chapel church of Christ. It is overseen by the Warners Chapel elders as part of the church’s work to fulfill Matthew 28:19 and 2 Timothy 2:2.
Values we emphasize
- Always bringing glory to God
- Continuous, fervent evangelistic effort
- Dynamic pulpit preaching
- Sound biblical exegesis
- Living above reproach
- Always asking counsel of the Lord
- Abounding in personal growth
Our Purpose and Goals
Provide a program of biblical studies that is balanced and will enable the gospel preacher to be effective in his lifetime of work striving to strengthen and grow the kingdom of God.
Equip and provide the student with a “burning fire” (Jer. 20:9) to speak God’s word – a fire that will not be extinguished.
Instill within these new preachers the value of continuous diligent Bible study