“And how shall they hear without a preacher?” (Romans 10:14)
Various articles and studies over the last several years have concluded that we lose more preachers each year than we train. More and more frequently, pulpits in the Lord’s church are becoming uncertain and indistinct in doctrine. Many have already turned to erroneous teachings and practices. There has been a large shift in how both the world and the church look at God, Christ, the Holy Spirit, the Bible, and the church. Worldliness in attitudes and actions have “taken the church by storm.” At the same time, many see Christians as intolerant and judgmental. In many instances the world sees the church as irrelevant. Warners Chapel church of Christ has a long-term desire to train preachers to confront these issues, so we have established North Carolina School of Biblical Studies to train men to faithfully preach the gospel and build up Christians.
It is our earnest prayer that as you learn more about the school, you will decide NCSBS is the school where you want to receive your training as a faithful gospel preacher. Whether or not that is the case, we sincerely request your prayers on our behalf that we might continue to train men to go into the world to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Who We Are
The following history is given with humble thanksgiving to God for the blessings, opportunities, and “increase” He has given to the Warners Chapel congregation and North Carolina School of Biblical Studies over many years.
Warners Chapel is the second oldest church of Christ in the state of North Carolina (141 years old) and has been blessed with a long line of strong elders and faithful gospel preachers who have served through the years. We owe those early members and the first elders an immense debt of gratitude for their loyalty and dedication to the truth.
Around the year 2000, the elders began considering the need to put more faithful preachers in the field. In July of 2004, Paul Kirkpatrick became the full-time preacher at Warners Chapel. One of his assigned tasks was to assist the elders in establishing a school for training preachers. With persistent dedication, the elders and brother Kirkpatrick established the North Carolina School of Biblical Studies (NCSBS). After much work and many answered prayers, the first classes began in the Fall of 2007. Brother Kirkpatrick became ill and left the work at which time Frank Shepard began directing the school and did so until his passing. When brother Shepard was no longer able to direct the school, Jeff Cannon completed the academic year as interim director. After that, the school became inactive for about four years.
With a determination to once again help the kingdom through the training of preachers, the elders engaged Mike Glenn to give the school a new beginning. Online classes began in the fall of 2020, and on-campus classes began in August of 2021.

Where we are
The North Carolina School of Biblical Studies sits just outside Village of Clemmons in a country setting. Clemmons is just minutes from Winston-Salem.
The school is housed in the annex building of the Warners Chapel Church of Christ. Upstairs there are classroom/study areas and kitchen facilities. Downstairs has the director’s and administrative assistant’s office, classroom, library, restrooms, study area, and recording studio.