Apply to attend NCSBS

To Apply for Full-Time: Complete both application and questionnaire.

Please read the student handbook before applying.

Who May Enroll

Classes are open to both credit and audit students. All prospective credit students have the choice of enrolling either as a part-time student or as a full-time student. Prospective credit students should have completed high school with a diploma or have a GED certificate.

While NCSBS functions primarily to train gospel preachers for the churches of Christ spread around the world, we will accept students who are not members of the church of Christ. Such students can learn a great deal of Biblical truth even though they will not be involved in activities not appropriate for them such as leading in any part of worship or preaching.

For detailed information on specific courses of study, see Course Descriptions.


North Carolina School of Biblical Studies is a non-profit school. There is no charge for tuition. The Warners Chapel church of Christ bears the majority of the expense for the operational costs of the school.

Students are required to have a usable laptop and to purchase a copy of the NET Bible with full translators’ notes. Additionally, students will be charged $200.00 per quarter for textbooks. Students will be allowed and guided to raise support for necessary expenses.

Applying for full-time status

  1. Search you own heart and be sure you are committed to the blessing and the burden of saving souls through preaching the gospel (2 Cor. 5:13-14; 1 Cor. 9:13-27).
  2. Contact the director, Mike Glenn, at 336-462-8896 to discuss admissions including your plans and start date.
  3. Thoroughly read the student handbook. Be sure that you are willing to follow all the requirements of the school.
  4. Complete both the Admission Application and the Student Questionnaire.
  5. If you are accepted as a student, you will receive a letter of acceptance. This letter can be used in helping you to raise support.
  6. Once accepted, work with the school’s director to make plans for raising the support needed.


Auditing Classes

Classes may be audited at no cost except for purchasing the book(s). If an audit student needs a book for a class, they may purchase it from the school. Audit students should register here no less than two weeks before class starts. This allows for the school to purchase the needed books and distribute them the first day of class.

Audit students are not required to complete homework assignments, tests, or class projects. However, we encourage you to do so to get the full benefit that can be received.

Ladies Online Class

Currently, we have one online ladies class each year. The class topic varies and will be advertised in advance. It starts in September on the Thursday after Labor Day and is a 10-week course taught by Teresa Glenn and Stephanie Ransom. This class is not a credit course.

Registration for the ladies class opens the first of August and closes the week before class begins. The registration form will be on the Events page of the website.