The North Carolina School of Biblical Studies will have two educational focuses.
One is to train men as gospel preachers with the desire, skills and knowledge to help the kingdom of God grow wherever they may find themselves and whether or not they preach the gospel “full time.”
The second focus is to provide leadership studies for those who are or who desire to become effective leaders, elders or deacons in our local congregations.
Certificates of Completion and graduation ceremonies will be awarded for both the school of Biblical Studies and the school of Leadership Development and Improvement.

The courses taught in NCSBS are divided into five basic sections.
Biblical Studies
These are courses that are a direct study of the biblical text of the old and new testaments. Their class categories are Bible Studies, Bible Gleanings, Old Testament and New Testament. There will be a total of 45 of these Bible courses involving 1540 class hours of instruction.
One hundred and fifty hours of instruction through five courses are designed to give the student both the knowledge and methodology to defend all aspects of the truth and to refute error. Special emphasis is given to the defense of God and the Bible.
150 classroom hours will be spent helping the students learn to communicate truth effectively and correctly both in writing and speaking as well as help them become familiar with Hebrew and New Testament Greek. The three class categories will be English, Greek & Hebrew.
Preacher’s Work
Too many young men quit preaching after a few years. To help our graduates avoid that result, there will be ten courses with 300 class hours focusing on helping the student gain the desire, demeanor, attitudes and skills to allow him to persevere in this great work glorifying God and advancing His kingdom. All of these courses will focus on the practical side of preaching. The class categories are Homiletics (3 courses) and Preachers Work (8 courses).
Related Studies
180 hours of instruction will be given in six topical studies. Important areas like World Religions, Life and Customs and Church History will be studied. These six courses will include 30 hours of class study in each subject.
Biblical Study Courses
BH 101-208 Bible Hour: This class will meet every weekday for all 8 quarters of the two-year program. Based on the principle of “hiding God’s word” in our heart, the time will be used for an organized process of memorizing scripture, scripture facts and scripture relationships. This course, along with Bible Gleanings, will be the backbone of the students Bible knowledge upon which all other biblical studies will be built.
BG 101-208 Bible Gleanings – Most students who arrive for preacher training have never read through their Bible entirely. This class, which meets every Wednesday morning for 3 hours, will read the Bible entirely during its two-year duration. There will be considerable discussion of information and truths gleaned from each chapter. There will be no graded assignments except to hand in a thorough notebook of all that is gleaned during class discussions.
BS 101-208 Study and Research – Each Wednesday afternoon will be used as structured study and research toward the completion of research papers, special assignments or general study for the student.
Old Testament
OT 101 Old Testament Introduction – A survey approach to a study of the Old Testament with emphasis on authorship, date of writing, purpose, and outline. Some attention will be given to modern textual criticism and special issues as well as a general introduction to each book.
OT 102 Genesis – A topical/textual study of the book relating primarily to origins, the Flood, the Patriarchs, and the growth of Jacob’s family (Israel) in Egypt.
OT 103 Exodus – Leviticus – A topical/textual study of Egyptian bondage, freedom from captivity, and the giving of the Law of Moses, building of the tabernacle, Jewish feasts, and type/antitype connections between the Old Law and New Law.
OT 104 Numbers – Deuteronomy – A topical/textual study of Moses as a leader, the wilderness wanderings and the warning speeches of Moses before Israel disperses to their tribal possessions.
OT 105 Joshua, Judges, Ruth – A topical/textual study of the early history of Israel in the promised land including the conquest of Canaan and the period of the judges.
OT 106 United Kingdom: 1st & 2nd Samuel with 1st Chronicles – A topical/textual study of Israel’s transition to a kingdom with a detailed study of the kingships of Saul, David and Solomon as recorded from 1 Samuel 1:1 to 1 Kings 11:43 and including a study of 1 Chronicles 1:1 to 2 Chronicles 9:31.
OT 107 Job – A textual study exploring God, His sovereignty, His relationship to mankind and the nature of man depicted through Job’s friends. It will also explore the theme topic of suffering and the peripheral subject of Christian Evidences presented in this ancient book.
OT 108 Psalms – A textual study of the book including a study of the various styles of Hebrew poetry, prose, prayers. A thorough study of the Messianic psalms will be made as well as an expository study of many particularly applicable Psalms such as Psalm 1, 23, 51 and others.
OT 209 Divided Kingdom 1st & 2nd Kings with 2nd Chronicles – A topical/textual study of these books and their record of the divided kingdom with the kings and events of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and Southern Kingdom of Judah. We will place the writing and non-writing prophets and their messages in their proper historical place where possible.
OT-210 Isaiah – A textual study of the book with emphasis on the context of Isaiah’s work and on his kingdom and Messianic prophecies.
OT 211 Ezra-Esther – Chronologically, these books belong near the end of the Old Testament. This class will explore some aspects of captivity among the Medes/Persians, the return of Israelites to their homeland and events going on in the secular world that impacted Israel. The Intertestamental period will be studied in its relationship to Jewish history and to the advent of Christ.
OT 212 Proverbs/Ecclesiastes/Song of Solomon – A topical/textual study of Proverbs dividing the book by topics and a textual study of Ecclesiastes with a view to applying both books to modern life. This textual/topical course will study the Song of Solomon in its relationship to the passion and exclusiveness of married love.
OT 213 Jeremiah/Lamentations – A textual study of the books noting Jeremiah’s ministry to Israel, his love for them, his prophecies of their downfall and the fulfilment of his prophecies, especially his Messianic and church prophecies.
OT 214 Ezekiel – This will be a textual study of Ezekiel’s prophecies and visions and their relationship and application to pre-Christian Jewish history during and after Babylonian captivity. Because of Ezekiel’s historical setting, time will be given to the importance of Persian and Babylonian history and influence but there will also be a discussion of Ezekiel’s words to the book of Revelation.
OT 215 Minor Prophets 1 – This will be a textual study of the prophecies of Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah and Micah considering the historical setting at the time of writing, the message applicable to the people of Israel and the Messianic prophecies penned by the writer.
OT 216 Minor Prophets 2 – This will be a continuation of Minor Prophets 1, but in the books of Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi.
OT 217 Daniel – Like the study of Ezekiel, this course will be devoted to examining the prophecies of Daniel and their relationship and application to pre-Christian Jewish history as well as their connections to the book of Revelation. Because of Daniel’s historical setting, time will be given to the importance of Persian and Babylonian history.
New Testament
NT 101 New Testament Introduction – A critical approach to a study of the New Testament with emphasis of authorship, date of writing, purpose, and outline.
NT 102 Life of Christ In The Synoptic Gospels – A comparative approach to Matthew, Mark and Luke as the “synoptic gospel accounts.” The parables and miracles will be studied in detail.
NT 103 John – A textual/expository study of the book as a gospel account distinct from the “synoptics.” It will also spend time on Jesus as Creator, the Word, the great “I am”, and the events of the last week of Jesus’ life.
NT 104 Acts 1 – A textual study of about ½ of the book. This class is designed to be a study of the establishment and spread of the early church. Each process of conversion will be analyzed with a consideration of method, instructions, and result. The journeys of Paul will be studied in detail and the fulfilment of Jesus’ command in Acts 1:8 that resulted in churches being established in so many places.
NT 205 Acts 2 – A continuation of the studies in Acts.
NT 206 Romans/Galatians – A textual/topical study of the important themes of these books including grace, faith, law, redemption, justification, sanctification, election, predestination, unity, sacrificial living, etc.
NT 207 1st & 2nd Corinthians – A textual/topical study of each letter. We will explore what God’s word says about the issues of denominationalism, sin in the church, marriage, building unity, paying preachers, the Lord’s Supper, worship format, giving and others.
NT 208 1 Thessalonians – Titus – A textual/topical study of each letter discussing subject topics found in 1st & 2nd Thessalonians, 1st & 2nd Timothy and Titus including godly living. The themes about doctrine, end times, church discipline will be included. Special emphasis will be given to instructions about preaching given to Timothy and Titus and about establishing elders and deacons in a congregation.
NT 209 Hebrews – A textual course, highlighting the supremacy of Christ’s priesthood and law over that of the Aaronic priesthood and Mosaic law. The class will also include some discussion of how Christ, the church and her worship fulfil the type/antitype, shadow/image intention of God.
NT 210 Paul’s Prison Epistles – A textual treatment of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon with their great themes of the church, Christian living, refusing error and willing obedience.
NT 211 General Epistles – A textual study of James, 1st & 2nd Peter, 1st, 2nd, & 3rd John, and Jude with discussions concerning persecution, suffering, faith, works, love, and doctrine.
NT 212 Revelation – This will be a study exposing the theme of the book, which is victory in Jesus.
AP 101 Christian Evidences – This class is designed to prove that Christianity is the one true religion approved by God. It will show that the Bible is the inspired word of God, that Jesus Christ is the divine Son of God and that man can know truth.
AP 102 Special Studies Apologetics – This will be an intense crash course of issues that are always debated in the world and in the church. Topics such as the deity of Christ, premillennialism, music in the church, modern day miracles, attributes of God, the problem of suffering, church discipline, qualifications of elders and deacons and others will be examined.
AP 203 Difficult Passages – This class will study a selection of Old and New Testament passages about which questions often arise. At the teacher’s discretion, it may also include some studies of alleged contradictions in scripture.
AP 204 The Church In Type, Prophecy and Realization – This class has been placed in the apologetics group because prophecy and fulfilment is one of the strongest proofs of the Bible as God’s word and also of the existence of God. This class will trace the prophecies of the church and the O.T. types through the Old Testament and gospel accounts and connect these prophecies to their application and fulfilment in the 1st Century.
ENG 101 English – This course will introduce the student to English grammar parts of speech and terminology. There will be some emphasis on the importance of correct spelling, pronunciation, grammar usage, and syntax in both oral and written form. Writing composition and general structure of the research paper will also be covered.
GK 101 New Testament Greek 1– An introductory study of New Testament Greek presented with special emphasis placed on alphabet, parts of speech, grammar, and vocabulary.
GK 102 New Testament Greek 2 – A continuation of GK-101 with continuing study of parts of speech, sentence structure, grammar, and vocabulary.
GK 103 New Testament Greek 3 – A study of the value and nuances of the Greek language along with translation work using knowledge gained in GK 101 & 102 and continuing work in Greek vocabulary.
HEB 201 Introduction to Hebrew – This course will introduce the student to the Hebrew language in order that they might have just a little understanding of vocabulary and sentence structure along with providing an awareness of how to use available tools and resources.
The Preacher's Work
Hom 101 Homiletics 1 – The student will be instructed in the techniques of sermon design, preparation and delivery of topical, textual and expository sermons. Sermon sourcing and record keeping will be introduced.
Hom 102 Homiletics 2 – This is a continuation of Hom-101. Students will learn to preach with and without projection equipment. An introduction will also be given concerning how technology can enhance ones work in this area. We may provide some experience in streaming, video and audio preaching.
Hom 103 Homiletics 3 – The students will spend this quarter preparing and preaching sermons. The class will present topical, textual, and expository sermons. They will learn how to plan/prepare sermons in advance and how to plan a balanced year of sermons.
PW 101 Steward and Christian – Time management, money management, attitude management, and godly conduct in the home and the community are essential components to faithful Christianity, successful preaching and leadership skills. These matters will be studied from scripture with realistic application for the student’s personal and professional life.
PW 102 Evangelism – Jesus came to seek and save the lost. The class will focus on Bible teaching about evangelism and study tools that facilitate teaching the lost. They will also be involved in teaching with these tools.
PW 103 Hermeneutics – A study of Hermeneutics is the science of interpreting scripture based on rules of interpretation and proper exegesis. Biblical hermeneutics also requires understanding the methods God uses to reveal His truth, i.e. direct statement, implication and exemplification through literal and figurative language. This class will teach and harmonize the principles of hermeneutics and exegesis as they are applied to scripture.
PW 104 Leader and Follower – All preachers must work under God’s law. All preachers work under the oversight of men in their congregation. All preachers are the primary catalyst (leader) for many of the works in which a congregation is involved. This class will focus on the Biblical principles of humble leadership and cooperation. The example of Christ and of the faithful in the Bible will be examined.
PW 205 Teaching Methodology – This class is an exploration of many different teaching tools and methods with hands on practice: class sessions taught by students. The class will spend time learning to use the modern technology available today.
PW 206 The Prophets – The theme of this class will be “It is not about me.” This study will focus on what can be gleaned from scripture concerning the character traits of both the writing and non-writing prophets as well as N.T. preachers. Emphasis will be on their attitudes, and the difficulties of their labors and how they dealt with adversity. The purpose is to encourage the preacher student concerning his own future adversities and give examples of character traits and attitudes that should be part of his own character and that will keep him preaching the gospel in the midst of difficulties, deprivation or persecution.
PW 207 Influence and Relationships – The preacher is a leader without local authority. How can he get things done? How can he help the elders and the membership grow? Some leaderships do not include the preacher in discussions about the work of the church. Some leave everything to the preacher. This class will educate the student about leadership principles from scripture that will broaden his ability as an unappointed leader.
PW 208 Going Forward – Entry into the real world of preaching. From the first day on the job, what should you do? How should you spend time? When should you be in the office? What visits should you make? This study and discussion class will guide you in your first work. There will be a discussion of the interview process. The class will discuss how to have longevity at the congregation and yet to keep your work fresh. There will be discussions about what makes a great church. Students will study how to build relationships/friendships with elders and others in the congregation. You will learn how to handle the elders’ restrictions upon you and the work. Students will explore how to react beneficially to your enemies, enemies of the truth and enemies of the elders. Every preacher must deal with these problems. The class will also discuss how to leave a congregation, whether it is by choice or by coercion.
Related Studies
RS 101 Church History and Restoration – This class will begin at the end of the NT and track the Lord’s Church through the end of Roman rule and into Catholicism. It will document the errors chronologically, that led to the growth of different fractions and denominations, up until the Reformation Movement whereby the reformers tried to correct these mistakes. The Restoration begins in Holland and follows the pilgrims over to America in search of simple NT Christianity. This class tracks the different cities where the Lord’s Church emerged and why and how that eventually led to men who found commonality in Scripture to restore the Lord’s Church. It includes how they were able to evangelize a new country through writing, radio, colleges, and the providence of God, uniting all races after the Civil War.
RS 102 Ethics – This class will study the problems of ethics and morality in everyday life. Our culture is changing so fast and the new cultural views are in direct conflict with old values. Where must the Christian stand and with what attitude must he exemplify the character of Christ. Moreover, what is the preacher’s responsibility in growing God’s kingdom to embrace right ethics and morality. These questions will be probed from a Biblical standpoint.
RS 103 World Religions/Cults/Philosophies – Some of the major world religions will be examined in light of their primary tenets and along with various major cults in existence. Class time will be given to Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism. The class will introduce and define some of the general philosophical schools of thought such as empiricism, rationalism, idealism, positivism, existentialism, materialism and others. The student will become familiar with the impact of these philosophies on Christian thought and the biblical truths refuting their errors.
RS 204 Marriage and Home – This course will focus on the biblical principles governing marriage and family relationships as well as explore the biblical doctrine of marriage, divorce and remarriage.
RS 205 Denominational Doctrines – This class will study the origin, history, and details of various denominations as well as some of their major doctrines. Of course, it will also study the biblical truths which refute their false doctrine.
RS 206 Audio Visual – This course will teach the students how to make both audio and video presentations. The students will learn everything from how to set up cameras and mics to setting the background, editing the footage, adding slides, pictures, and videos, and producing a finished product. They will also be taught the basics of building Power Point presentations for their sermons.
RS 207 Bible Geography and Archaeology – This course will be a geographical examination of the sections of the world in which the historical bible events occurred. The bodies of water, national boundaries, and archaeological findings concerning Bible events and Bible people will be considered.