About You

Have you completed your application to NCSBS?(Required)

Doctrinal Questions

Does the Bible teach that we can do anything not specifically condemned in the Bible?(Required)
Does the Bible teach we can do only what is authorized in the Bible?(Required)
Do you believe the Bible to be the verbally inspired word of God?(Required)
Do you believe that all faithful Christians are in the church of Christ, and that one must be a member of the church of Christ in order to be saved?(Required)
Do you believe that the Bible is understandable and that men today can ascertain and know the truth?(Required)
Do you believe that a sincere believer can be saved by joining or remaining in a denomination?(Required)
Do you believe that one must be baptized into Christ’s one church and “for the remission of sins” in order to be saved?(Required)
Do you believe all the recorded miracles of the Bible actually happened?(Required)
Was Jesus born of a virgin?(Required)
Which of the following best describes your beliefs?(Required)
Do you believe that fellowship can be rightly extended to any denomination?(Required)
Do you believe participating in worship with denominations is permissible?(Required)
Is the use of mechanical music with songs of worship authorized?(Required)
Do you believe that the Lord’s Supper may rightly be observed on any day other than the first day of the week?(Required)
Do you believe that Christians should be consistent in attendance at all assemblies which the men of the church have established?(Required)
Do you believe that only men are to exercise all the leadership roles in a mixed worship assembly of men and women?(Required)
Does the Bible teach that it is alright for a woman to lead prayer or serve the Lord’s supper in a mixed assembly of men and women?(Required)
Do you believe that a couple in an unscriptural marriage must repent and separate to be faithful to God?(Required)
Does the Bible teach that marriage is for life, and that God allows divorce and remarriage for only one cause (fornication)?(Required)
Does the Bible teach that a person who commits fornication that breaks up the marriage has the right to remarry?(Required)
Does baptism remove the guilt of an adulterous marriage if the marriage continues?(Required)
Do you believe that homosexual conduct and relationships are sinful and must be stopped?(Required)
Does baptism remove the guilt of a homosexual relationships if the marriage continues?(Required)
Do you believe that God gives Christians the liberty to drink alcoholic beverages in moderation and/or for social purposes?(Required)
Do you believe God accomplished creation through an evolutionary process (theistic evolution)?(Required)
Do you believe that wearing modern swimming attire in a public setting is inconsistent with Christ-like conduct?(Required)
Do you believe that there is a heaven and a hell?(Required)
Do you believe that a congregation is required to submit to the choices of its eldership?(Required)

Personal Questions

Do you or any member of your immediate family engage in public dancing?(Required)
Have you or your spouse been married more than once?(Required)
Do you or any members of the family in your home use tobacco in any form for smoking, chewing or dipping?(Required)
Do you currently have any overdue unpaid debts?(Required)
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